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Contact Jerry Fowler
Staff Candidate for the KPFT Local Station Board
I discovered KPFT in the days of Country Cookin' and Musical Trot with Liselotte and volunteered as a groundskeeper for several years. During that time, a board member said, "If you don't find a show that offends you, we aren't doing our job." I contribute to Execution Watch. The fact that KPFT must continue to air Execution Watch because the State of Texas continues to kill human beings in our name offends me deeply, so to me, that is more offensive even than a right-wing talk-show host. I contribute because I want Execution Watch heard until that coming hallowed day when it is taken off the air because capital punishment is a thing of the past. KPFT is the only radio voice seeking to make that happen, and we must protect that voice, the only voice that Peace has in Houston.

As to the other shows I support with my ears, I have respect and appreciation for every programmer out there, but I'll call out People of Earth, the Prison Show, Politics Done Right, Open Journal, and Arab Voices, which are foremost among the many KPFT shows that don't let me out of the car once it's parked. If you listen to the Church of the Infinite on Wednesdays or in the archive, you'll know that I'm happy with hearing music on KPFT as well.

The LSB should be developing a strategy for making KPFT a go-to to hear those and all our other important messages, involving a broader Internet presence. That can't be done without improved outreach and fundraising. I am a software engineer who understands the web from server to browser. I have served as a board member of other organizations; I consider my chief contribution to those organizations to be maintaining focus on the pragmatic concerns that prevent a committee from achieving its goals.
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