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Contact Charles Ihejirika
Listener Candidate for the WBAI Local Station Board
I strongly desire to see WBAI reinvent itself. diversify its financial base, rise above competitors (while still maintaining its uniqueness), reach out to listening communities that have been hitherto neglected by either default or design. It will be a sustainable achievement for us to be recommitted to its original mission, and provide authentic, well-researched, and error-free alternative to the "spinning machines" and "cam followers" that present themselves as media outlets.

WBAI, in my estimation, needs to break out to cover more arears, attract new listeners, and retain existing one with relative ease since the use of modern technology, internet, and social media have made it easier, cheaper, and even more compelling to break new grounds, and expand "territories."

We should look beyond the traditional market or catchment areas to make our programming appealing to the faith community, people of color, and those that do not fit appropriately into our traditional listening and supporting public.
It's good that WBAI is heard on radio, but it will be very productive and transformative if we can initiate and participate in numerous promotional and community events organized all over New York City. Generally, people appear to engage more with, and commit more to entities they can hear from and physically meet, than those who get glued to their desks and dish out 'excellent programming."

I will personally volunteer to steer the initiation and participation of community and live events in the Bronx where I have a considerable sphere of influence and reach. Given What WBAI has achieved already, it provides a guide to what is possible (programmatically and financially speaking), and confirms that the future is really bright if real measures are taken. It, therefore, behooves the leadership to take stock and learn from the programmatic failures of the past, the financial difficulty, and the political considerations that have proved only to be a drag on the growth and development of the station.

No matter what we believe in, no matter what political leaning shaped our world view, no matter how intelligently we present our views to persuade others, let it be known that if WBAI fails, we have individually and collectively failed to committedly steer this ship that is built to deliver the goods to thousands, if not millions, of listeners and supporters. And it translates that we have missed a golden opportunity to make a difference in our world and plant our indelible footprints in the sands of time.
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