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Contact Adam Harris Wolman
Listener Candidate
for the KPFK Local Station Board
Those of us desperate to rescue the country and the world from oligarchy, fascism, and systemic racism need to wake up. We can’t win hearts and minds if we’re outmaneuvered. Right-wingers have bought up the majority of American media outlets. What does the left have as a counterweight?

KPFK. KPFA. KPFT, WPFW, WBAI. Add a few other scattered stations and that’s pretty much it for major broadcast media.

We need Pacifica to survive and thrive. That’s why, even though I hate the idea of taking sides among factions—the left is strongest united—I supported New Day Pacifica’s bylaws referendum to revitalize Pacifica.

Having assisted on that campaign, and being committed to the progressive movement, I’d like to take my volunteering to the next level. I’m running for the LSB and seek your support.

For the past 13 years I’ve been VP, Communications for the Palisades Dem Club, co-chairing the PaliDems Political Courage/Human Rights Awards and twice co-managing the Westside Democratic Headquarters. DPSFV Truman Award recipient and former e-board member. Campaigner for Sanders and Warren in the 2020 primaries, then for Biden/Harris and (D)/progressive candidates and props in the general.

Have called, texted, trained volunteers, captained a bus, and had doors slammed in my face for campaigns in California, Nevada, and Florida. Co-chair of Human Rights Watch L.A. Film Club Committee, serving on HRWLA Executive and DEI Committees. Was alt rep to the PP Community Council. Have volunteered with CA Clean Money, Health Care for All–CA, the Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence, and Palisadians for Peace.

Jobwise I’m a creative consultant (find me on LinkedIn), having been a television exec at HBO Digital, Disney/ABC, and MTV—all of which has informed the perspective I have on the critical importance of professional-level programming that people love. Our media, including KPFK and Pacifica, shapes society. That’s why the right doesn’t mind spending billions and even losing $$ if it helps them cling to power. The left needs to up our game.

First job post-college was speechwriter/lobbyist for Mass Citizen Action, a Cambridge, MA public interest org. Married to a comedy writer; our twin boys graduated from college in NYC after attending LAUSD public schools. Thankfully our cat is filling the otherwise empty nest.

I listen to and love KPFK and revere Pacifica’s history and its potential. I’m running in hopes of playing a small, supportive role helping Pacifica stay independent while nurturing and growing its diverse listener base, coffers, and influence.
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