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Contact Alejandrina Murphy
Listener Candidate
for the WBAI Local Station Board
My name is Alejandrina Murphy, a woman and a Latina. I would like more diversity in programming and my experiences with the station have been to fight for justice and equity and to speak truth to power. I am an activist and I have worked with numerous comrades from Occupy Wall street, stop mass incarceration, the unhoused, stop and frisk issues, WBAI fightback, and Pacifica Fightback to name just a few.
In October of 2019 WBAI was taken off the air for a month by a group of people who to this day remain intent on destroying WBAI. The Pacifica Foundation/WBAI is so important to remain on the air. This prompted me to return to WBAI and support the foundation. We need to stand united against the same people who run roughshod over our bylaws and principles.
I believe we need to maintain democracy, free speech, diversity, and a media free of corporate control.
Since joining WBAI fightback and Pacifica Fight back I have seen the hard work of many people to support and maintain the foundation and their ideals and mission. This has inspired me to keep fighting for my beliefs and for the good of others. One of those people was our beloved comrade Lawrence Reyes who passed away but was welcoming and collaborated with all those united in the same mission. He worked tirelessly for the Foundation to remain alive and thrive. His motto was "siempre palante" which meant moving forward and that will be my guiding principle once I am elected to this position.

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