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Contact Charles Ihejirika
Listener Candidate
for the WBAI Local Station Board
I have the strong desire for board membership of WBAI as a veritable channel to expedite its growth, programming, and position it as a thriving listener-supported, alternative news media that runs with sure-footedness where the "bought and captured" mainstream corporate media is scared to even walk on. I envision an indispensable WBAI that doesn't blend-in, but one that stands out from the motley of media houses whose programming ultimately hurt the listeners/community because they compete with each other to please the controlling interests that support and sustain them.

Sitting on the board, It will be my suggestion (and research work) to make WBAI the "must-go" radio station where majority of New Yorkers will obtain authentic information on critical local and national issues that the mainstream media tend to bury under the guise of 'public interest." WBAI should make it a cardinal responsibility to level up with listeners and discover the uniqueness they desire in programming and information dissemination that will capture their rapt attention and keep them tunning in as a way of life.

I intend to galvanize WBAI to explore and exploit the large and abundant growth opportunities embedded in being a New York-based national asset-a situation that has been creatively harvested by other institutions and news media. The vast broadcast area, large listening public, diversified population, and cultural plurality are all "currencies" that WBAI could use to buy itself into the national consciousness of America through innovative and nationally penetrative programs.

I am convinced, without any iota of doubt, that with the right set of innovative programs, truly democratic governance, corporate accountability, and diversified fundraising events, WBAI will occupy an enviable position as a robust and fortified listener-supported public radio station worthy of emulation by other controlled and censored local and national media institutions.

As we look to be relevant and productive, a technologically integrated WBAI is highly desirable in order to grow the listener-supporting membership, attract financial contribution from non-traditional listening blocks, and gain acceptance by the teeming youths who appear to follow the dictates of technological advancement. The extensive use of the internet with special focus on social media handles, deployment of the revolutionary Artificial Intelligence (AI), and mastery of the almighty ChatGPT are sine qua non as we strive to survive and deliver our corporate mandate. We must be on top of our game as we deliberately aim to develop new talents and superintend revolutionary programs and conversations that can hardly be identified with our competitors and contemporaries.

If we refuse to give up, WBAI and Pacifica must surely get up.
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