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Contact L Monee Bell
Listener Candidate
for the KPFK Local Station Board
It is often said that there are only a few native Angelenos in a five square mile radius… I ´m ONE of those few homegrown unicorns AND I DO say that phrase often but I always hope that it’s untrue. There aren’t many of us and I know we have to stick together, but it’s especially awesome that we get a little help from our friends.

And by friends, I mean the many American transplants and various immigrants and tourists that assist in our popular, political, economic and general societal development. California is a juggernaut as one of the largest economies in the world!

We may not be known as the most friendly city but we know how to attract folks here despite the fact that nearly as many people move in as those that relocate away in any given month. I see that as a measure of stability. We’re solid, right?

If we took the time to focus our resources on the wellbeing and education of our communities, in truth, we could only get stronger.

As a member of youth groups through the YMCA, sports teams, student government leadership roles from elementary school through college and sitting on diverse boards as an adult, I can say that teamwork absolutely makes the dream work.

Los Angeles is a storied city, thick with the biographies of millions of lives- past, present and future. We are a city of flavor, fun, flair and filth. My goal is to give everyone’s story a presence, a voice, a representative. I realize that we all have dreams but I also recognize that our rights, as Angelenos, Californians, Americans— HUMANS require support to be maintained. We need support for sustainable communities. We need friends. And! Our friends need to be honest with us about who they are and what they want. Public radio is our friend. KPFK is the blunt buddy we call up when we need a gut check based in reality. It’s the friend with the random music drops that we find lyrically interesting and rhythmically sound in the moment. It’s the friend that ALWAYS tells the best stories. I want to know the REAL story behind the stories.

Communal conversations that allow the input of its listeners gives us the fair chance that we need to hear multifaceted insights, parse information in a safe space and make informed decisions about how we will move forward, individually, as a city, state, nation and beyond.

Personally, I’m OPEN! I want to figure out how my family and friends can maintain our own storylines in our fabled city. I want to make new friends that love this state, too, and want to work with me to clean our systems more. Let’s team up. Let’s solidify our support of one another by utilizing our ears, voices, hearts and minds as weapons against the falsehoods of the « other stories ». We deserve true stories! I’ll represent your story.

Listen. Talk. Discuss. Organize. Take action. Repeat!
-Vote L!
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