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Contact Michael Byfield
Listener Candidate
for the WPFW Local Station Board
As a former board member, I'm campaigning to rejoin the board for the following reasons:
o To help the station navigate what i envision as a very difficult period.
o To assist in locating an affordable office location .
o To explore novel ways of raising funds without exhausting our current membership.
o Develop alliances with like minded organizations to bolster our membership and position in the region.
o To revisit the idea of acquiring a building in the near term future by working with our staff and friends in the region.
In the past I’ve served on several boards in and outside of the Washington metro area from housing advocacy to athletic to youth social justice, I plan to bring this passion and open-mindedness to our board.
I value WPFW and the PACIFICA organization as a very vital media landscape in an era where democracy is being challenged by some of our very mainstream agencies.
As an experienced business owner and a visionary thought leader, I intend to bring fresh ideas both in fund raising and explore new grounds in programming with our CAB and Programming committees, to help to grow our station without violating the constitution.
Most importantly i look forward to help shape a more purposeful direction by working and making a serious effort to bring the station together even with some of members who have lost sight of our real mission as a media entity.
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