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Contact Akio Tanaka
Listener Candidate
for the KPFA Local Station Board
I am Akio Tanaka, a KPFA Protector endorsed candidate for the KPFA Local Station Board. I am part of the New Day Pacifica national team working to improve the Pacifica Bylaws and governance. I’m a past KPFA Local Station Board member and am now the Recording Secretary for the Pacifica National Board, (PNB)

I believe that the ongoing dysfunction within the Pacifica governance system has been a major factor in the financial decline of the network. Escalating loan debt and unpaid expenses from stations with deficits have been a major drain on KPFA’s resources. If re-elected to the KPFA LSB, I will help to protect KPFA’s building from sale and its staff from layoffs.

I will work to implement an urgently needed reorganization plan that includes:
More financial autonomy for KPFA with all stations paying their own bills
More proportional representation for KPFA on the PNB as a station with more than twice the income and over twice the number of members as any other Pacifica station.
A skilled, national board, elected directly by the members with directors who are capable of effectively managing Pacifica’s stations, signals and assets worth an estimated $100 Million

I support Pacifica policies for respectful, fact based communication, to stop the false accusations and disruption that prevent some Pacifica boards from effectively conducting their meetings and I oppose the defamation that has cost the network hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I am opposed to commercial underwriting. I advocate for editorial freedom for KPFA’s hosts and producers. I appreciate that KPFA programming decisions are made involving a careful analysis of breaking events, listener surveys, listener data, and listener communications, by KPFA’s skilled Staff and diverse Management Team.

Independent media is at great risk and Is worthy of our support. I want to help ensure that KPFA has the resources for its coverage of: the upcoming national conventions, Gaza/Palestine, climate emergency and so many other crucial peace and social justice issues.

Thank you for being a member of KPFA. Please VOTE for me Akio Tanaka and the KPFA Protectors Candidates. Endorsed by Aileen Alfandary, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, and Philip Maldari. For more information about KPFA Protectors please go to
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