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Contact Phoebe Thomas (fka Phoebe Sorgen)
Listener Candidate
for the KPFA Local Station Board
My plate is full, but a strong independent media is crucial to most of my broader goals, so I’m inspired to throw my hat in the ring. . Here's my bio:

After decades of environmental, peace, and human rights activism, nearly 20 years ago I decided to focus on an umbrella solution: wresting democracy from corporate rule.  I wrote Resolutions passed by Berkeley and other cities opposing corporate personhood, stolen elections, undemocratic trade agreements, coups in Burma and Haiti (for corporate interests), Citizens United v FEC, Big Telecom and PGE, nuclear power v public safety, and war mongers incorporated for which I received the Tom Paine Courageous Spirit and Outstanding Woman of Berkeley awards. 

The first protests my offspring recalls were to save KPFA in 1999. I’ve organized delegations to legislators, protests, and NVCD for multiple peace, ecological and social justice causes.  I’ve never been convicted but have been arrested countless times for acts of conscience at the Livermore nuclear weapons lab, San Quentin gates, Chevron HQ, SF streets re Iraq, the Pentagon re nukes, the DNC, and trying to stop radiation-emitting cell antennas locally. I co-founded WIreless Radiation Education and Defense, WiRED. I loved BLM marches on the merits and because they are generally long, fast hikes. Because of witnessing George Floyd’s murder, millions took to the streets despite the pandemic. Why not a bigger response to witnessing genocide in Gaza, funded by US taxes?

I served on the KPFA board 2006-2008. I still chair the Berkeley Fellowship of UU’s Social Justice Committee. I’m on the Move to Amend East Bay Steering Committee, BCA Steering Committee, Green Party County Council, GP National Committee, and Global Greens Network Democracy Committee.

Some of my commitments are minimal, by necessity, but it’s all important work, with rewarding connections. My FB feed is full of mainstream media travesties and Caitlin Johnstone’s witty analyses. Wouldn’t you love to hear her on KPFA?

I am running with Rescue Pacifica. Please vote for all of the Rescue Pacifica candidates and visit our website:  

We need to strengthen the Pacifica network as well as KPFA! Better outreach is crucial. Together, we’ll grow our best chance for informing, connecting, and motivating the populace to rescue our planet and species. Are you ready? Peace!

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