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Contact Ninel Centeno
Staff Candidate
for the KPFK Local Station Board
As a Salvadoran immigrant, KPFK provided me with a vital connection to our community, helping me find my voice and build meaningful relationships. Through my journey, I've developed a deep understanding of the power of community radio. My experience in community organizing and strategic planning has equipped me with the skills to drive positive change and address the everyday concerns of our communities.

When I arrived in this country, finding a sense of belonging was challenging. KPFK was more than just a radio station; it became a lifeline that connected me to a broader community. It was through KPFK that I discovered the strength and resilience within myself and the incredible diversity that exists within our community. The station's commitment to independent media and its dedication to amplifying underrepresented voices resonated deeply with me.

Over time, I have seen firsthand how KPFK has impacted countless lives by providing a platform for voices that are often marginalized or ignored. The station's programming has not only informed and educated listeners but also empowered them to take action and become advocates for change. This is the essence of community radio – creating a space where everyone can be heard and where diverse perspectives can thrive.

In my role as a community organizer, I have worked closely with various groups to address issues such as social justice, economic inequality, and immigrant rights. These experiences have given me a comprehensive understanding of the challenges our communities face and the importance of having a reliable platform like KPFK to address these issues. My strategic planning skills have enabled me to develop effective campaigns and initiatives that have brought about tangible improvements in people's lives.

KPFK's mission to foster community connections and support independent media is more crucial now than ever. In an era where mainstream media often overlooks or misrepresents marginalized communities, KPFK stands as a beacon of truth and inclusivity. The station's commitment to providing diverse programming ensures that all voices are heard and respected.

My goal is to enhance listener engagement and reach new audiences. I believe that by expanding our outreach efforts and creating more opportunities for community involvement, we can ensure that KPFK remains a vital resource for generations to come continuing the legacy it established over decades.

I am committed to continuing the important work of ensuring that KPFK remains a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment for all. By fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual respect, we can create a stronger, more united and active community.

My journey as an immigrant has shaped my perspective and fueled my passion for community radio. KPFK has been fundamental in my personal and professional growth, and I am dedicated to giving back to the station that has given me so much. I am confident that with your support, we can amplify diverse voices, strengthen community connections, and ensure that KPFK continues to be a powerful force for positive change.

Together, we can build a stronger future for KPFK and the communities we serve.
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