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Contact Steven Meeks
Listener Candidate
for the KPFK Local Station Board
I am Steven Meeks a KPFK LSB Candidate, and long time supporter of PACIFICA and KPFK. I'm currently the KPFK Treasurer on Pacifica’s National Finance Committee. I work to bring financial sustainability to all Pacifica stations, including seeking ways for KPFK to connect with the hundreds of thousands of people who attend local demonstrations and events in alignment with KPFK’s peace and social justice mission.

I have extensive experience volunteering and being on non-profit boards, especially in the areas of arts and culture. I am the current manager of a local community garden and value KPFK’s coverage of environmental issues. Environmental programming certainly helps bring attention to helping to save our beautiful planet I advocate for KPFK’s urgently needed contributions as an emergency alert station in times of floods, fires and power outages. I truly think bringing new life to invigorate KPFK by seeking a generation of youngblood and their innovative ideas will help to revitalize this local treasure.
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