Turnout: 11986 (27.2%) of 44018 electors voted in this ballot.
Yes: 6640 (56.0%)
No: 5216 (44.0%)
Abstain: 130 votes
Turnout: 436 (42.1%) of 1035 electors voted in this ballot.
No: 255 (58.6%)
Yes: 180 (41.4%)
Abstain: 1 vote
The referendum did not pass as it failed to garner majority vote “yes” for staff and listener voters. As a result, the current bylaws stay in place.
You will have the opportunity to vote in a referendum for 30 days starting June 7th to replace the Pacifica Foundation’s bylaws with new bylaws proposed by a group of Pacifica members. If adopted, significant modifications will be made to the foundation’s governance structure affecting both the national and local station boards, including how you, as a listener sponsor, are represented and can participate. To assist you in navigating the complex issues, a graphics-based voter guide is under development and can be viewed here – Voter Guide Referendum 2021 alongside the text of the current and proposed bylaws. In order to be eligible to vote, check that your membership is up to date by verifying with your station that you have contributed $25 or performed 3 hours of volunteer work between April 8, 2020 and April 7, 2021.
Results Announced 7/12/21
The NES Renee Asteria vetted the 5000+ names submitted by New Day Pacifica.
Steps taken:
1) matching petition names by name and email address to the updated Pacifica Membership list,
2) taking a random sample (10%) of matched members to text and call as an additional verification step by getting direct confirmation from the individual via text message or phone.
These are the same steps taken to vet the petition submitted for the 2020 Referendum. Step 2 is done in order to “double check” that those who signed the e-petition did indeed sign it.