Report a Campaign Violation or Complaint

To report a campaign violation please download the Fair-Campaign-Provisions-Complaint-Form-2016 and submit to your station Local Election Supervisor.

If your complaint is not regarding the Fair Campaign Provisions, but you feel the National Election Supervisor should investigate, please send an email to your Local Election Supervisor (LES) and please copy the National Election Supervisor at with “Please investigate” in the subject header.

The LES and National Election Supervisor (NES) will take steps s/he deem suitable to investigate, guided by the Procedures below.

If you have not personally contacted the National Election Supervisor of any problems by October 10th, no further action will be taken.

Please read the 2016 Fair Campaign Provisions.

Procedures for Processing Complaints of Alleged Violations of Fair Campaign Provisions

  1. The LES or NES should acknowledge all complaints by email within 72 hours, whenever feasible.
  2. The LES or NES should forward a copy of the complaint to the party alleged to have violated the FCP, with instructions on how and by when that person can file her/his response. If the complaint is being handled by the LES, both the complainant and the person complained against should be notified of their right to appeal any decision to the NES, and any procedure and deadline for doing so.
  3. The LES or NES should put their ruling in writing, and if s/he finds that a rule was broken, should cite the rule and explain specifically in what way it was broken. Copies should be sent to both the complainant and the person alleged to have violated the rule.
  4. All decisions on complaints should be rendered as quickly as reasonably possible.
  5. Decisions on complaint investigations will be posted on the Violations Investigations page of the elections website. Decisions may also be posted elsewhere if the National Election Supervisor deems necessary.
  6. Appeals can be made to the National Election Supervisor (NES) by emailing with “Appealing” in the subject header.


If you have not personally contacted the National Election Supervisor of any problems by October 10th, no further action will be taken.